Top 5 Questions About How to Prepare for Professional Headshots

Your professional headshot is often the first impression people get of your personal brand. An amateurish or unflattering photo can immediately undermine your credibility. Investing in proper headshots that reinforce confidence, competence and approachability is critical. It’s not just a photo; it’s a powerful marketing tool that can open doors and create opportunities.

women posing for headshots

In this post, we’ll explore the top five questions people ask about headshots and provide comprehensive advice on how to prepare for your session. Whether you’re updating your LinkedIn profile, refreshing your company’s team page, or gearing up for a speaking engagement, these insights will help you make the most of your headshot experience.

  1. What’s the difference between a professional headshot and a selfie?
  2. What should I wear for my headshot?
  3. How should I do my hair and makeup?
  4. How can I look natural and confident in my headshot?
  5. How often should I update my professional headshot?
  6. BONUS: Checklist to make the most of your headshots!

1. What’s the difference between a professional headshot and a selfie?

In the age of smartphones, it might be tempting to use a self-taken photo for professional purposes. However, there are several key differences between a professional headshot and a selfie:

Quality: Professional photographers use high-end cameras and lighting equipment to produce crisp, high-resolution images that look great even when printed large.

Lighting: Proper lighting is crucial for a flattering headshot. Professionals know how to use light to accentuate your best features and minimize flaws.

Background: Professional headshots often use carefully chosen or customized backgrounds that complement the subject without distracting from them.

Retouching: While a good headshot should look natural, professional photographers can do subtle retouching to ensure you look your best.

Consistency: For business teams, a professional can ensure all headshots have a consistent style, which is crucial for branding.

2. What should I wear for my headshot?

This is by far the most common question I receive, and for good reason. Your clothing choices can significantly impact the overall impression your headshot creates. Here are some guidelines to help you select the perfect outfit:

  • Keep it simple and classic: Opt for solid colors and avoid busy patterns or trendy styles that might quickly date your photo.
  • Choose colors that complement your skin tone: Generally, jewel tones and neutral colors work well for most people.
  • Dress for your industry: Consider the expectations in your field. A suit might be appropriate for finance or law, while a smart casual look could work better for creative industries.
  • Layer your outfit: Bring a jacket or blazer to add versatility to your shots.
  • Pay attention to necklines: V-necks and collared shirts typically photograph well.
  • Iron or steam your clothes: Wrinkles can be distracting and unprofessional in photos.

Remember, your headshot should represent the best version of your professional self. If you’re unsure, it’s always a good idea to bring a few options and consult with your photographer.

people posing for headshots

3. How should I do my hair and makeup?

Your hair and makeup can make a significant difference in how polished and confident you appear in your headshot. Here are some tips:


  • Style your hair as you would for an important meeting or interview.
  • Avoid drastic changes right before your session.
  • Bring a brush or comb for touch-ups.
  • Consider getting a trim no less than a week before your shoot to ensure your hair looks fresh but natural.


  • Keep it natural and professional.
  • Use matte products to avoid shine on camera.
  • Define your eyes with neutral shadows and mascara.
  • A touch of blush can add a healthy glow.
  • Men may benefit from a light powder to reduce shine.
  • Bring your makeup kit for touch-ups during the session.
  • Hire a professional. They know the best ways to make you look natural and camera-ready.

Remember, the goal is to look like yourself on your best day, not to create a dramatically different appearance. Showing up to an meeting or interview looking nothing like your headshot makes people wonder what else you might not be honest about.

4. How can I look natural and confident in my headshot?

Feeling comfortable and confident during your photo session is key to achieving a natural, approachable look in your headshot. Here are some strategies to help you relax and shine:

  • Practice your expressions: Spend some time in front of a mirror practicing your smile and different expressions. Find the ones that feel most natural and confident to you.
  • Visualize success: Before your session, take a few moments to imagine yourself feeling confident and at ease in front of the camera.
  • Communicate with your photographer: Share any concerns or insecurities you have. A good photographer will guide you and help you feel comfortable.
  • Use positive self-talk: Remind yourself of your accomplishments and strengths before and during the shoot.
  • Take deep breaths: If you feel nervous, take a few deep breaths to help calm yourself.
  • Bring a playlist: Some photographers allow you to play your favorite music during the session to help you relax.
  • Don’t force a smile: Aim for a natural, relaxed expression. Genuine smiles reach your eyes, so think of something that makes you happy.

Remember, your photographer is there to make you look your best. Trust their expertise and don’t be afraid to ask for guidance during the session.

5. How often should I update my professional headshot?

Keeping your headshot current is crucial for maintaining a professional online presence. Here are some guidelines on when to update:

  • Every 2-3 years: As a general rule, update your headshot every couple of years to ensure it accurately represents your current appearance.
  • After significant changes: If you’ve undergone major changes in your appearance (new hairstyle, weight loss/gain, grew a beard), it’s time for a new headshot.
  • Career transitions: Starting a new job or changing industries is an excellent time to refresh your image.
  • Rebranding: If you’re rebranding yourself or your business, a new headshot should be part of that process.
  • Technology improvements: As camera technology improves, consider updating to take advantage of higher quality images.

Remember, your headshot is an investment in your personal brand. Keeping it current shows attention to detail and professionalism.

people posing for headshots
© 2018 Kristin Merck Photography

Bonus: A Checklist to Prepare for Your Headshot Session

To help you make the most of your headshot session, here’s a comprehensive checklist:

  1. Clothing:
    • Choose 2-3 outfit options
    • Ensure clothes are clean and pressed
    • Bring a lint roller
    • Consider bringing accessories (ties, jewelry) for variety
  2. Grooming:
    • Get a haircut 1-2 weeks before the shoot
    • For men, shave or trim facial hair the morning of the shoot
    • Bring hair products and a brush/comb
    • Pack your makeup kit for touch-ups
  3. Skincare:
    • Stay hydrated in the days leading up to the shoot
    • Get a good night’s sleep before your session
    • Moisturize your skin on the day of the shoot
  4. Props (if relevant):
    • Glasses (both with and without if you wear them sometimes)
    • Props related to your profession (e.g., stethoscope for doctors)
  5. Mindset:
    • Plan to arrive early to avoid feeling rushed
    • Bring a positive attitude and be ready to collaborate with your photographer
    • Prepare some talking points or jokes to help you relax and appear natural
  6. Logistics:
    • Confirm the address and parking information
    • Bring the photographer’s contact information
    • Have payment ready if required on the day

Your professional headshot is a powerful tool in your career arsenal. By understanding what to expect and how to prepare, you can ensure that your headshot truly represents the best version of your professional self. Remember, this image will often be the first impression you make on potential clients, employers, or business partners, so it’s worth investing time and effort to get it right.

As a professional headshot photographer, my goal is to capture images that not only look great but also authentically represent who you are and what you bring to your profession. With the right preparation and mindset, we can work together to create a headshot that you’ll be excited to share and that will open doors in your career.

Don’t underestimate the power of a great headshot – it’s an investment in your personal brand that can pay dividends for years to come. So, are you ready to put your best face forward?